15 Dec 2023
Step into the enchanting world of theatrical brilliance….

The Theatrical Forte Club of the Department of English-Aided hosted a compelling event on December 14, 2023. The occasion featured a Power Point Presentation on the theme "Famous Women Characters from the genre of Drama" and a Duologue Competition with the topic "Any Literary Drama." Congratulations to the talented winners who showcased their passion and skill, making this event a testament to the vibrant spirit within the academic community. *The winners list : * Power Point Presentation I Sumaiya Suhail II B A English Literature (SF) II Judith Pearlyn P II B A English Literature (Aided) III Pierre Cassandra C II B A English Literature (Aided) * Duologue Competition* I Pushpa Kumari M Preethiba Joice III B A English Literature (Aided) II Jaysree S Fehimeedha J of III B A English Literature (Aided) Let language be your weapon and the stage be your battlefield!!!